Abstract: This tutorial is the first of two that introduce the broad field of aerosol science. We begin with the behavior of individual particles to understand how they behave in the environment, and the physical principles on which most aerosol measurements are based. The drag forces that act on a particle determine its settling velocity and whether it is able to follow the flow of a gas. Several different models describe the drag forces: Stokes law applies for spherical particles moving at modest velocities, though a slip correction must be introduced to account for non-continuum effects for particles small compared to the mean-free-path of the gas molecules. Other corrections are required if the velocity becomes large enough the fluid inertia affects the motion. Knowledge of these scaling principles makes it possible to relate particle behavior in seemingly disparate systems, and make it possible to determine particle size. The drag forces also determine Brownian motion, and, hence, affect their deposition and losses in the respiratory tract, in sampling systems, and in filters, causing aerosol filtration to be more effective than filtration of particles from liquid media. We will briefly look at how this aerodynamic behavior is employed in determining particle size in a wide range of instruments, including the migration of charged particles in mobility analyzers.
Bio: Richard C. Flagan is the Irma and Ross McCollum/William H. Corcoran Professor of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Science and Engineering at the California Institute of Technology. He has served as president of AAAR and editor-in-chief of Aerosol Science and Technology. His research spans the field of aerosol science, including atmospheric aerosols, aerosol instrumentation, aerosol synthesis of nanoparticles and other materials, and bioaerosols. His many contributions to the field of aerosol science have been acknowledged with the Sinclair Award of the AAAR and the Fuchs Award. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering.
Abstract: The allure of low-cost AQ sensor technologies to inform (and transform) our daily interactions with the air we breathe has led to a rapid increase in their availability across multiple sectors of the consumer market. From DIY entrepreneurs to large multi-national corporations, AQ sensors have been identified as a key component of the "Internet-of-Things" (IoT). Despite gaining the attention of media outlets and the general public, low-cost AQ sensors have, in large part, not penetrated the atmospheric, aerosol science research community. This tutorial aims to address this gap, presenting an empirically-based assessment of low-cost AQ sensors across realistic environmental sampling domains. The tutorial will focus on electrolytic (gas-phase species) and optical (particulate matter) sensors. The tutorial will provide background descriptions of sensor hardware/design followed by detailed discussion of results obtained from laboratory and field-based calibration experiments. Specific attention will be paid to quantification of sensor response, providing initial strategies for evaluating sensor uncertainties.
Bio: Eben S. Cross is a Senior Scientist at Aerodyne Research, Inc., working with the Center for Aerosol and Cloud Chemistry. He also holds a Research Scientist affiliation with the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He earned his bachelor's degree in Environmental Chemistry from Connecticut College ('03) and Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from Boston College ('08). Much of Dr. Cross' research has focused on instrument development, utilizing mass spectrometry to explore real-time emission characteristics from combustion sources (aircraft, diesel, cookstoves). More recently, Dr. Cross has shifted his focus toward air quality sensors; teaching a senior capstone course on smart cities at MIT, deploying pilot-scale AQ sensor networks in Cambridge and Dorchester, MA, and leading a new research effort at Aerodyne focused on the development of low-cost AQ sensor systems.
Abstract: Exposure to aerosol in the indoor environment may cause various health issues in general public and working places. The characteristics of the indoor environment (confine, ventilation, filtration, and static pressure) will play essential roles on particulate contaminants removal. Personal protective equipment (PPE) and other techniques may be applied to reduce exposure when general and/or local ventilation is not adequate. The growing of nanotechnology also raises concerns about the nano-sized aerosol exposure in the indoor environment. The first part of the tutorial will cover a brief history and evolution of indoor aerosol control techniques, principles of airflow measurement, air exchange, and common indoor aerosol sources. The second part of the tutorial will give an overview and some examples of designing and evaluating general and local exhaust ventilation to remove aerosols from the indoor environment. The calculation will be based on the classic velocity pressure method. The final part of the tutorial will introduce air purifier and other cleaners, deactivation of microbial agents, PPE and emerging alternative control techniques, the economics of control scenarios.
Bio: Dr. Jun Wang is an assistant professor in the Department of Occupational and Environmental Health, College of Public Health, the University of Oklahoma. He received his BS and MS in Environmental Engineering, Management, and Economics from Nankai University and Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering Sciences at the University of Florida. His teaching and research interests range from workplace inhalation exposure detection, assessment and engineering control, pulmonary toxicology of aerosol and gaseous pollutants, and interdisciplinary approach to solve workplace health issues. Dr. Jun Wang has more than 20+ scholarly publication, 30+ conference presentations and invited talks. He also holds technical committee, working group, section chairmanship in various professional organizations. He is a professional engineer (PE) registered in the State of Oklahoma, a registered environmental health specialist (REHS), and certified in Public Health (CPH). He is currently teaching three graduate-level courses around the topic of exposure control and toxicology.
Abstract: The equilibrium thermodynamic properties of the mixture of acids, salts, and organic compounds present in the atmosphere largely control gas/aerosol equilibrium and the water uptake of soluble aerosol components in response to temperature and relative humidity changes. This course will cover the following fundamentals: the water uptake of different soluble components of aerosols, including organic compounds; the precipitation of solid phases and metastable equilibria; the Phase Rule; Henry’s law; activity coefficients and deviations from ideal solution behavior; the Kelvin effect; the role of surfactants. We will also discuss the application of thermodynamic principles used to describe the formation of cloud droplets (via absorption and adsorption of water vapor), and present semi-empirical frameworks used for describing the cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) properties of atmospheric aerosol.
Bio: Athanasios Nenes is a professor and Georgia Power Faculty Scholar in the Schools of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences and Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He received a diploma in chemical engineering from the National Technical University of Athens (Greece), a master's degree in atmospheric chemistry from the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences and a doctorate in chemical engineering from the California Institute of Technology. He is the developer of the ISORROPIA aerosol thermodynamic model and co-inventor of the Continuous Flow Streamwise Thermal Gradient CCN Chamber. He has received the Friedlander and Whitby Awards of the AAAR, the Henry G. Houghton Award of the AMS and the Ascent Award of the Atmospheric Section of the AGU.
Abstract: This tutorial continues the basic introduction to aerosol science. In this session we focus on developing the tools to describe the dynamics of aerosol populations. An aerosol is an ensemble of particles in a gas, and the particles are distributed over a range of sizes. Therefore, they must be represented by a particle size distribution. We will discuss the representation of aerosol populations as size distributions, their graphical representation, and models such as the log normal-distribution. Condensation and evaporation of volatile species onto particles determines their growth in the atmosphere, and efficient counting of particles too small to detect optically in condensation particle counters. Both continuum and non-continuum effects must again be considered, as must the surface tension which governs particle activation, initial activation, and the possibility of nucleating new particles from the vapor phase. These processes also alter the shape of the size distribution. Particle-particle collisions lead to coagulation, which further alters the size distribution. We will examine how these diverse processes are combined to describe the population dynamics for aerosol systems.
Bio: Richard C. Flagan is the Irma and Ross McCollum/William H. Corcoran Professor of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Science and Engineering at the California Institute of Technology. He has served as president of AAAR and editor-in-chief of Aerosol Science and Technology. His research spans the field of aerosol science, including atmospheric aerosols, aerosol instrumentation, aerosol synthesis of nanoparticles and other materials, and bioaerosols. His many contributions to the field of aerosol science have been acknowledged with the Sinclair Award of the AAAR and the Fuchs Award. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering.
Abstract: Organic carbonaceous material is a ubiquitous and often significant fraction of atmospheric submicron aerosol mass. With a wide variety of both direct emission and secondary chemistry sources, including vapor-pressure driven partitioning as well as multi-phase reactions, quantifying and simulating the abundance and evolution of organic aerosol mass has been a long running challenge. In this tutorial, the dominant sources of organic aerosol mass and the chemical processes which lead to its evolution over time are reviewed. A key theme in this tutorial is the role novel instrumentation techniques have had recently in allowing new insights into the molecules and processes contributing to organic aerosol mass formation to be discovered and quantified. Online soft-ionization mass spectrometric methods will be a focus, and example operational methods will be described and the pros and cons in terms of molecular information, time resolution, and quantification will be discussed. Examples of laboratory and field based measurements of organic aerosol chemistry using these novel techniques will be provided and used as a motivation to discuss future development needs in this area.
Bio: Joel Thornton is a professor in the Department of Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Washington, with an adjunct position in the Department of Chemistry. He received his PhD from the College of Chemistry at the University of California, Berkeley and was a postdoctoral research fellow in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Toronto. His research interests include atmospheric organic aerosol formation and growth, multi-phase chemistry, reactive nitrogen and halogen budgets, and field-deployable instrumentation and method development centered on selected-ion chemical ionization mass spectrometry.
Abstract: Space-borne instruments are providing increasing amounts of data relating to global aerosol spectral optical depth, horizontal and vertical distribution, and very loose, but spatially and temporally extensive, constraints on particle micro-physical properties. The data sets, and many of the underlying techniques, are evolving rapidly. They represent a vast amount of information, potentially useful to the AAAR community. However, there are also issues, some quite subtle, that scientific users must take into consideration. This tutorial will provide one view of the answers to the following four questions:
I'm aiming for a discussion relating to Question 4 to be the highlight of this event, so please come prepared to participate!
Bio: Ralph Kahn is a Senior Research Scientist in the Climate & Radiation Laboratory at GSFC. He is the aerosol scientist for the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) instrument, which flies aboard the NASA Earth Observing System’s Terra satellite. Kahn received his PhD in applied physics from Harvard University.
Abstract: PM2.5 particles exacerbate adverse human health effects, degrade visibility, and alter the global radiative balance; their measurement is complicated by the presence of semi-volatile material (e.g., ammonium nitrate and some organic material). This tutorial discusses additional optical and chemical characteristics that can be obtained from the long-term non-urban Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments (IMPROVE) network and the urban Chemical Speciation Network (CSN) samples, in addition to commonly measured multielements, ions, and organic and elemental carbon. These additional properties serve as source markers to better validate source contribution estimates. Prior guidance documents to ensure evaluation and validation of receptor modeling results are introduced. Examples of past source apportionment studies illustrate common pitfalls, limitations, and uncertainties in receptor modeling; methods to overcome these are discussed. The role of receptor models in creating a weight-of-evidence for emission reduction strategies in clarified.
Bios: Dr. Judith C. Chow, Nazir and Mary Ansari Chair in Entrepreneurialism and Science and Research Professor in the Division of Atmospheric Sciences (DAS) at the Desert Research Institute (DRI) , part of the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE), has over 39 years of experience in conducting air quality studies and performing statistical data analysis. She received her Doctor of Science degree in Environmental Health Science and Physiology from Harvard University in 1985. As leader of DRI’s Environmental Analysis Facility (EAF), Dr. Chow supervises a group of 30 research scientists and technicians in developing and applying advanced analytical methods to characterize suspended atmospheric particles. She is a chartered member of the U.S. EPA's Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC). Dr. Chow is the principal author or co-author of ~350 peer-reviewed articles and ~90 peer-reviewed book chapters and has been recognized by ISIHighlyCited.com in ecology and environment with ~14,500 citations of her work and an h-index of 63.
Dr. John G. Watson, Research Professor in the Division of Atmospheric Sciences (DAS) at the Desert Research Institute (DRI), part of the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE), has over 42 years of experience in physics, environmental sciences, air quality network design and measurement, and source/receptor modeling. He received his Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences from Oregon Graduate Institute (now Oregon Health and Science University) in 1979. Dr. Watson has conducted and managed >100 air quality studies. He is known for formulating conceptual models as well as organizing and planning large-scale, multi-year air quality studies in the U.S. Dr. Watson established DRI's Source Characterization Laboratory and developed an in-plume sampling system for real-time measurement of vehicle exhaust. Dr. Watson is the principal author or co-author of ~300 peer-reviewed publications and ~100 peer-reviewed book chapters and has been recognized by ISIHighlyCited.com in ecology and environment with ~13,000 citations of his work and an h-index of 58.
Abstract: This tutorial will enable participants to get an "under the hood" look at a broad spectrum of currently available aerosol instruments. Whether you are an experimentalist, modeler, or both, this is an opportunity to learn how fundamental aerosol scientific principles are used in actual aerosol measurement technologies. Key capabilities, as well as limitations, of each technique will be described in order to instill a better appreciation of what different instruments can and cannot, do. In each of two separate sessions, six aerosol instrumentation suppliers will present the design, concepts, and engineering choices that led to the successful development of different aerosol instrumentation. The tutorial is not a marketing and sales opportunity for participating vendors; this is an education session with an emphasis entirely on technology and the key physical concepts employed by the instrumentation. A primary goal is that by the end of the tutorial participants no longer consider instrumentation a "black box" but rather have some understanding of the principles and design consideration that went into the development of the various instruments. A secondary goal is that participants will use the information presented on measurement uncertainties and limitations to better avoid over-interpreting measurement results.
Airmodus Ltd. — nCNC, Airmodus A11
Brechtel Manufacturing — Scanning Electrical Mobility Spectrometer
Cooper Environmental — Xact 630 ambient system
Cambustion — Aerodynamic Aerosol Classifier
Dekati — eFilter
Magee Scientific — "Dual Spot" Aethalometer, model AE33
TSI Incorporated — 1 nm SMPS system
Abstract: As aerosol scientists we know that many diseases such as asthma, pneumoconiosis and lung cancer are associated with human exposure to certain aerosols. These associations were provided by epidemiological studies conducted after people were exposed and/or they were elucidated by toxicology using animal models, in vitro experiments and sometimes carefully controlled human exposure studies. Since we often justify our own research by relating it to potential health outcomes, it is important for us to understand how toxicological research is done and its attributes and limitations. This tutorial will emphasize animal models and how toxicologists identify the potential health effects of aerosols. Comparative respiratory anatomy and physiology and the lung microenvironment will be described as will the importance of particle deposition and translocation. Specific biological endpoints (e.g. indicators of inflammation) will be explained. These endpoints along with laboratory modes of exposure, mechanisms of pathological action, and their relevance and biological significance will be discussed. Particle overload, deposition hot spots, particle characteristics that affect dose, animal to human scaling and other dosimetry challenges will be addressed. The issue of biological activity vs. physicochemical category in assessing aerosol risk will be described. Aerosols such as carbon nanotubes, metalworking fluid mist, silica and diesel particulate matter will be highlighted in case studies that demonstrate many of the topics presented in this tutorial.
Bio: Maura Sheehan is a recently retired Professor in the Environmental Health Program at West Chester University of Pennsylvania. She has taught a variety of courses including industrial hygiene, environmental toxicology and environmental health. Maura is a Certified Industrial Hygienist and is currently developing a consulting practice. She has been a member of the AAAR since 1990 and has served as chair of the Health Related Aerosols committee. Her research has involved the generation, evaluation and control of workplace aerosols.
Abstract: We begin with the fascinating history of aerosol technology from production of inks in ancient China to the Bible printing by Gutenberg and to the manufacture of optical fibers, carbon blacks, pigments, fumed silica and filamentary nickel today. The seven advantages of aerosol technology over solution or wet-chemistry technologies are emphasized. Flame aerosol reactors are discussed for their proven scalability as they dominate both by value and volume the manufacture of aerosol-made materials today. The significance of self-preserving size distribution in multi-scale aerosol reactor design is presented highlighting also mesoscale (discrete element modeling) and molecular dynamics simulations. Opportunities for aerosol synthesis of sophisticated functional films and particles, in particular for catalysts and sensors, are presented by combustion of sprayed solutions. Basic design principles for synthesis of nanoparticles with controlled primary size and structure (from ramified or fractal-like to perfectly spherical particles) are presented through specific experiments that show the significance of the high temperature particle residence time and sintering rate.
Bio: Dr. Sotiris E. Pratsinis is professor of process engineering and materials science at ETH Zurich. There he founded the Particle Technology Laboratory focusing on aerosol dynamics for synthesis of materials and devices. He teaches mass transfer, introduction to nanoscale engineering and micro- & nano-particle technology. He has a Diploma in chemical engineering from the Aristotle University in Thessaloniki, Greece and a PhD from the University of California, Los Angeles.
Abstract: Nucleation, or the formation of new particles in the nanometer size range, is a key source of the atmospheric aerosol. Despite being a fundamental molecular–to–nanoscale process, nucleation has global impacts on the Earth’s climate and public health. In particular, newly born nanoparticles can grow further to become cloud condensation nuclei (CCN), which make important contributions to the aerosol-cloud-precipitation interaction and aerosol indirect radiative forcing. In addition, exposure to high concentrations of nano- and ultrafine particles is harmful and increases risks of cardiovascular diseases and lung cancer. Due to its dependence on meteorological conditions, emissions, and chemistry, nucleation is also an important physical process involved in a number of climate feedback loops. Therefore, a clear and insightful understanding of physico-chemical nature of atmospheric nucleation and the key parameters controlling nucleation rates in the Earth’s atmosphere is critically important for assessing global climate change, environmental and public health impacts of airborne particulate matter.
This tutorial covers the following topics:
The tutorial will provide its attendees with the overview of contemporary nucleation research, insights of atmospheric nucleation mechanisms, and hands-on experiences with calculations of multicomponent nucleation rates in the Earth's atmosphere using different nucleation schemes.
Bio: Dr. Fangqun Yu has been a faculty member at the State University of New York at Albany since October, 2000. He got his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Peking University and Chinese Academy of Sciences and earned his Ph.D. in Atmospheric Sciences from the University of California at Los Angeles. Dr. Yu’s research is dedicated to theory of multicomponent nucleation, atmospheric nucleation mechanisms, development and application of nucleation models, regional and global modeling of size-resolved particle microphysical processes, and climatic and environmental impacts of atmospheric nucleation. Dr. Yu has authored more than 100 peer-reviewed papers published in mainstream international journals.
Abstract: This tutorial will enable participants to get an "under the hood" look at a broad spectrum of currently available aerosol instruments. Whether you are an experimentalist, modeler, or both, this is an opportunity to learn how fundamental aerosol scientific principles are used in actual aerosol measurement technologies. Key capabilities, as well as limitations, of each technique will be described in order to instill a better appreciation of what different instruments can and cannot, do. In each of two separate sessions, six aerosol instrumentation suppliers will present the design, concepts, and engineering choices that led to the successful development of different aerosol instrumentation. The tutorial is not a marketing and sales opportunity for participating vendors; this is an education session with an emphasis entirely on technology and the key physical concepts employed by the instrumentation. A primary goal is that by the end of the tutorial participants no longer consider instrumentation a "black box" but rather have some understanding of the principles and design consideration that went into the development of the various instruments. A secondary goal is that participants will use the information presented on measurement uncertainties and limitations to better avoid over-interpreting measurement results.
Aerodyne Research Inc. — PAM Oxidation Flow Reactor and ARISense
Aerosol Devices, Inc. — Spot Sampler
Aethlabs — microAeth Personal Black Carbon Monitor
Kanomax — Portable Aerosol Mobility Spectrometer
Sunset Laboratory — Semi-Continuous OC/EC
URG Corporation — Ambient Ion Monitor (AIM)
Abstract: Biological aerosols are comprised of particles containing bacteria, fungal spores, hyphae pollen, algae, proteins, viruses, and fragments of the above. They have wide ranging impacts ranging from human disease and allergies, to potential impacts on the water cycle by acting as cloud condensation or ice nuclei. Characterization of these populations is desirable to understand which species are causing these impacts, and via what biological and atmospheric processes. Efforts to characterize these populations of biological particles have used methods such as: culture, characterization of nucleic acids and proteins, as well as real-time methods using spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. All characterization methods have limitations and complications that must be considered. Biological particles in the atmosphere can be changed by atmospheric chemical processes. These processes may affect their measurement by all of the above methods, as well as their viability. This tutorial will focus on techniques to measure, collect and analyze biological particles in the atmosphere, appropriate pairing of collection and analysis techniques, and the limitations to this analysis that should motivate their use in specific measurement and sampling scenarios.
Bio: Dr. Joshua L. Santarpia is a Principal Member of the Technical Staff at Sandia National Laboratories. His current research focuses on examining the role of atmospheric aging processes on microbial aerosols and their properties, in particular those processes affecting detection and measurement of those particles. These studies are intended to inform detection strategies for biological warfare agents and environmental studies of biological aerosols. He also studies microbial communities in the ambient environment (aerosol, soil, and water) and how those communities interact, process nutrients and respond to change, such as natural disasters and new community members, using both traditional microbiology and next generation sequencing. His past research has included urban aerosols and air pollution, biological and chemical aerosol detection, aerosol measurement and sampling techniques, and methods to support these pursuits.
Abstract: Aerosol optics is fundamental for understanding the effects of atmospheric aerosols on radiative forcing and climate change, on optical remote sensing and visibility, and for developing optical instruments to characterize physical, chemical, and biological aerosol properties. In this tutorial we combine our two related but different perspectives on light scattering, the fundamental physics and the application to aerosol science, to present what we hope will prove to be a very useful foundation in how particles scatter and absorb light and the measurement and consequences of these processes. We will discuss a simple intuitive interpretation of light scattering based on a novel Q-space analysis. This analysis uncovers properties and functionalities in the angular phase function of the scattered light previously undisclosed. With Q-space analysis, the scattering by all particle types, including spheres, irregular shaped particles like dusts, snow crystals and fractal aggregates is described by the same unifying description. With this perspective, aerosol optics, covering aerosol scattering, absorption, and extinction as function of aerosol size, refractive index, and morphology will be described. This will be followed by examples of how this theory can be used to develop optical instruments to measure aerosol properties. Examples include (1) the multi-angle device at KSU to include small angles necessary for Q-space analysis of large particles and (2) the measurement of aerosol scattering, absorption, and extinction coefficients with nephelometers, photoacoustic instruments, and cavity ring-down instruments, respectively.
Bios: Hans Moosmüller is a Research Professor, Regents' Researcher, and the Director of the Wildland Fire Science Center at the Desert Research Institute, the environmental research arm of the Nevada System of Higher Education. Recent awards include the Benjamin Liu Award of the AAAR, the Nevada Regents' Researcher Award, and the Ansari Medal for Excellence in Science. His research has focused on aerosol optics and laser spectroscopy for more than 30 years.
Bios: Chris Sorensen is the Cortelyou-Rust University Distinguished Professor at Kansas State University in the department of physics where he enjoys both teaching and research. He is a Fellow of the AAAR, a Sinclair awardee and past president. In 2007 he was named the Carnegie/CASE National Professor of the Year for doctoral universities. He has studied light scattering in a great variety of ways for over 40 years.
Abstract: Secondary aerosol is an important component of atmospheric fine particles that generally consists of organics, sulfates, and nitrates. The processes that lead to the formation of this material are often complex, and can involve gas and particle phase chemistry, nucleation, and gas-particle partitioning. In this course I will discuss the major chemical reactions and partitioning processes involved in the formation of secondary organic and inorganic aerosol (with a strong emphasis on organic aerosol) using examples from laboratory and field studies.
Bio: Paul Ziemann is a Professor in the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry and a Fellow in the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences at the University of Colorado-Boulder. He received a doctorate in Chemistry from Penn State University and was a postdoctoral researcher in the Particle Technology Laboratory at the University of Minnesota. His research interests include laboratory studies of the kinetics, products, and mechanisms of reactions that lead to the formation of secondary organic aerosol, and the applications of such studies to understanding aerosol fate and properties. He was a recipient of the AAAR Whitby Award in 2001 and served as President of AAAR from 2009-2010.
April 29 – Abstract Submission Deadline
July 22 – Early Bird Registration Deadline
July 22 – Late Breaking Poster Abstract Deadline
September 24 – Doubletree Hotel Room Reservation Cut-off
October 17 – 21 – AAAR 35th Annual Conference
Oregon Convention Center
777 NE MLK, Jr. Blvd.
Portland, Oregon
DoubleTree by Hilton Portland
100 NE Multnomah Street
Portland, Oregon
Registration Categories |
Early Before 7/22/16 |
Advance 7/22/16 to 8/14/16 |
On-Site After 8/14/16 |
Regular* | $599 | $689 | $782 |
Early Career | $474 | $542 | $611 |
Retiree* | $180 | $180 | $271 |
Student** | $180 | $180 | $271 |
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